We are delighted to invite you to be part of Harrow High School’s Alumni Association which will be supported by a thriving, engaged alumni community
The aim of the Alumni Association is that over the next few years the alumni will continue to grow, bringing in members of the Old Gaytonians and recent school leavers :
- To help former learners stay in touch with the school and with other alumni, as well as supporting the school in its aims and activities.
- To encourage continued interest in Harrow High School, to reinforce friendships between former learners and staff and their peer groups, to maintain the school’s archivements and to foster links with current HHS pupils.
- To use HHS Alumni to inspire young people in a number of ways; as career and education role models, mentors or e-mentors, work experience providers, governors, donors or fundraisers.
As a previous member of the Old Gaytonian Association, we would consider it a great honour for you to be part of this new Alumni Association. You will receive a termly newsletter and other updated information which we hope you will find interesting and informative. It aims to keep you up to date with key news from the school and news of ex-students. Your contribution would be greatly valued.
Big thank you to Geoff and Keith for their work with the Old Gaytonians in its final years.
If you are interested in being a part of the Alumni Association, kindly download, complete and return the application form below and return it to Shana Hart at:
We look forward to hearing from you.
Paul Gamble