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Year 6 Transition

Welcome to the Harrow High School Year 6 Virtual Induction

We hope the following pages will give you a taster of what life at Harrow High School is like. You can also browse our website to find out about the curriculum and the kinds of extracurricular activities learners are involved in.

To get the most out of the information, we suggest that you view the content in the following order:

Our School Vision

This will help you understand the core values of Harrow High and why we believe in excellence for all.

Welcome to Harrow High School

A short presentation outlining everything you need to know about Harrow High School and what makes us a great environment to learn in

Virtual school tour

Enjoy a virtual tour of the school and its grounds

Key information

All the key information and documents for starting in September, including all the admission forms, uniform regulations, and policies

What our current Year 7s have to say

An insight into life at Harrow High School from some of our superb learners in Year 7. This will give you and your child first-hand accounts of how we ensure a smooth transition.

Induction sessions

A taster of what lessons might be like at Harrow High School, including interactive activities from PE, Drama, Science and Italian. Also, a bonus extension task combining our PE, Maths and Science departments


A video from the Headteacher, Head of Year, members of the senior leadership team and learners in Year 7, giving the answers to the questions you specifically asked. There is also a document containing a selection of additional FAQs asked in parent surveys.

We hope that you find all of this information interesting and informative and that you get a little experience of what to expect in September. 

Best wishes,

Mr Aaron Turner 
Head of Year 7