Exam Information
The Examinations Department will be glad to help you with any queries relating to your examinations.
Please contact
- Mrs Beatrice Conquest: Exams & Data Assistant, 0208 861 7365 or email exams@harrowhigh.com (Also contact for examination certificates.)
Mrs Sunita Sahu: Exams & Data Officer, 020 8861 7332 or email exams@harrowhigh.com
There are a number of useful additional documents that you can download below.
You can find out more information about public examinations, including regulations and expectations, on the JCQ website. Please familiarise yourself with the information below.
For the public exams, please particularly note:
- the guidance on the JCQ website about applying for special consideration. If you believe this is necessary, please contact the Exams & Data Officer.
- if you have COVID symptoms, please follow the HSA guidance (isolate, contact the Exams & Data Officer, and the school will apply for special consideration). You need to self-certify.
The timetable for Year 12 and Year 13 Pre-Public Examinations is available. Please familiarise yourselves with the dates and starting times.
The timetable for Year 11 Pre-Public Examinations is available. Please familiarise yourselves with the dates and starting times.