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Learning Journey & Sequencing Rationale

Teaching and learning in Spanish and Italian focuses on language acquisition through developing a range of language learning strategies. The emphasis is on encouraging learners to learn, practise and apply key language and structures for a range of tasks and contexts. Languages is traditionally split into four skill areas (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and work centres on developing mastery in each skill area. Lesson activities are varied and may include exploiting a literary text for comprehension, extracting key details from listening texts, engaging in role-play or practising translation. Throughout their learning learners are strongly encouraged to make links with other languages that they know and to share this information with the class. All languages are celebrated and valued within the culture of Language Learning at Harrow High School.

Rationale for the Sequencing in MFL at KS3

In Years 7, 8 and 9 we fully cover the National Curriculum Programmes of Study. We build on language learning experiences from Key Stage 2 and Home Languages. The knowledge and skills specified in the KS2 and KS3 Programmes of Study are used to cement the foundation for study at KS4 and beyond. The curriculum is taught by topics that are carefully sequenced to match age appropriate areas of interest and to reflect actual events such as festivals and holidays. It encourages Learners to appreciate and celebrate cultural similarities and differences. The topics are chosen and sequenced to develop phonics, vocabulary and grammar in a planned and purposeful manner, allowing for progression from novice to expert learner. The choice of topics, content and assessments are arranged to allow for language -learning experiences that are successful and engaging. This enables us to promote motivation, self-efficacy and autonomy. 

High frequency words which act as anchor points are prioritised in our curriculum. Carefully chosen topic based vocabulary as well as clusters of related words are also built explicitly into the Curriculum. These are revisited across different contexts, skills and themes to encourage long term memory. The careful sequencing of topics allows for this to happen in a cohesive manner. Each topic also introduces and reinforces Learners to Language -learning strategies in the four skills and in memorising vocabulary and becoming an independent Learner, which are vital for GCSE study.  

The sequencing also allows us to deliver grammar incrementally through a structured and scaffolded approach. With regular retrieval practice and interplay between grammar, phonics and vocabulary and Language Learning strategies, a strong foundation in knowledge is built ready for GCSE study. Detailed assessment and feedback lead demonstrably to Learner progress in knowledge, spontaneity, engagement and accuracy.

Rationale for the Sequencing in MFL at GCSE

The GCSE course continues to build on the foundations established at KS3. The three themes of Identity and Culture; Local, national, international and global areas of interest and Current and future study and employment are sequenced to naturally reflect the Learners journey, experiences and interests during these two years of school life. Each theme is split into four topics which interleave the learning between the topics and also between the themes. The topics link logically into each other and also include retrieval from key stage 3. The key skills of Reading, Learning vocabulary, writing, translation skills, building grammar knowledge, Listening, dealing with authentic texts and Speaking are practised in each topic. Complexity of Language increases appropriately in context of the topic.  Grammar is carefully introduced and revisited frequently. The topics also expand Learners cultural knowledge whilst developing language skills. This approach enables Learners of all abilities to develop their Spanish language skills to their full potential, equipping them with the knowledge to communicate in a variety of contexts with confidence. This is important as we strongly believe in languages as a skill for life and something Learners should enjoy and find rewarding and useful. Each topic also interleaves key communication strategies and repair strategies which will greatly increase their ability to cope successfully with unknown words. These same strategies also support other curriculum areas. Full coverage of the themes ensures that our Learners are fully prepared for the GCSE exams and to continue learning languages in the future. 





unit overview - autumn term 1

Subject: Italian


Communicating in the target language

Grammar and how to apply it


Listen for detail/gist

Adapt language for different contexts

Develop accurate spelling ,pronunciation and intonation

Initiate and develop conversations

Recognising sound patterns in Italian

Making connections between languages


Theme: Introduzione                                              

Intro + word patterns

Saluti - greetings

I numeri

Il compleanno e le stagioni

Che data è?

Key Language, vocabulary and Grammar     

Key Introductory language

Numbers 1-31  

Definite article, singular and plural

Saying and understanding dates

Learning about the Italian world                                                                                      


This unit presents key foundational knowledge that is used regularly in study of later topics.

Learners will be able to develop independent language learning skills which will prepare them for study in future units.

This unit represents an opportunity for establishing the home languages of Learners and those learnt in Middle School, thereby enabling Learners to compare and contrast languages and draw on prior knowledge.  It thus acknowledges and celebrates the diverse backgrounds and languages of our Learners and validates their language learning experiences to date. 

It also allows the group to share relevant personal information and thereby form a cohesive group identity based on mutual respect.

unit overview - autumn term 2

Subject: Italian


Grammar and how to apply it

Using the TL creatively and imaginatively

Using reference materials to support learning such as a dictionary, glossary, verb table

Communicating in the target language

Developing confidence by working independently

Learning to transfer knowledge across all skill areas of reading, writing, listening and speaking

Developing a range of vocabulary leaning strategies using Knowledge Organisers

Making connections between languages



Theme: Presentazioni                                                                                                                       

A scuola

plural & singular + countries


Come si scrive?

Phone numbers

Carta d’identità

Key question/opinion words

Key Language, vocabulary and Grammar

Describing school equipment

Singular and plural endings

Gender agreement

Basic greeting phrases

Asking a question

Italian pronunciation and letter combination

Identifying key information about identity


In this second unit Learners will actively use everyday words, basic questions and sound patterns in a context with which they are already familiar. This will increase levels of confidence in a new subject.

They will also develop confidence in identifying key information when listening to fast Italian language. This unit enables Learners to develop listening strategies and emphasises the use of logic to help work out new language. This is a vital cross curricular skill which also develops thinking skills.

Such strategies will be further developed in future units in which Learners meet increasingly complicated extracts on a wider range of themes.

This unit is an ideal opportunity to encourage research, note taking and presentation skills around the topic of famous Italian speaking people and their identity. These are important cross curricular  and life skills.

This is also an opportunity for the Teacher to discuss with Learners how ‘question structures’ can be manipulated.

There is also the opportunity to introduce Learners to  Apps that are useful such as Duolingua  for extra curricular work.

unit overview - spring term 1

Subject: Italian


Express opinions

Use knowledge of English

Compare cultures

Listen for gist, detail

Scan texts

Use and manipulate key structures and patterns as appropriate

Organising notes to help learning


Theme: In famiglia                                                                                                                                 

In famiglia

I capelli e gli occhi

I capelli e gli occhi + 3rd person

Basso/alto/ magro/grasso/snello + 3rd person

Simpatico/ timido/divertente + opinion

Key Language, vocabulary and Grammar    

Possessive adjectives

Personality + appearance adjectives

Word order and structure of sentences

Extending descriptions with connectives and opinions                                                                         


This unit enables Learners to develop appreciation of other cultures and awareness of life styles in Italy and how different families live This is a social and life skill as it promotes empathy and social awareness  both of which are vital in developing citizens who can play an active positive part in today’s society.

Cross curricular links will be further strengthened with English. .Learners will demonstrate being able to use a wider range  of adjectives and  higher level structures with which to give opinions and describe other people accurately

Learners will develop reading skills through scanning and analysis of text .

Vital memorisation skills will be practised as Learners commit language to memory. These skills will be of clear benefit in other areas.

 Learners will become aware of how all the skills support each other and that knowledge and skills are transferrable across topics and skills.

unit overview - spring term 2

Subject: Italian


Express opinions

Use knowledge of English

How to extend sentences with a variety of connectives

Giving opinions with justified answers

Use and manipulate key structures and patterns as appropriate

Organising notes to help learning


Theme: Nel mio tempo libero                                                                                                   

GCSE Extended writing practice

How to describe a photo

How to respond to 4 bullet points  

Translating short sentences.             

Key Language, vocabulary and Grammar   

 Key infinitives giocare/ fare/ andare

Opinion + infinitive structure

Adjectival agreement

Singular / plural endings


This unit offers Learners the opportunity to develop confidence in writing extended texts in Italian and to build on reading and writing skills from previous units. Learners will practise how to deconstruct an extended reading text for understanding and how to use context and logic to help work out new language.

This unit is an ideal opportunity to demonstrate what a GCSE style writing activity looks like. This will be of importance as a reference point in future writing tasks.

unit overview - summer term 1

Subject: Italian


Verb conjugation

Express opinions

Use knowledge of English

Compare cultures

Listen for gist, detail

Scan texts

Use and manipulate key structures and patterns as appropriate

Organising notes to help learning


Theme: Cosa ti piace fare?                                                                                                                           

Cosa ti piace fare?

Lo sport

Passatempi preferiti

Altri passatempi

Key Language, vocabulary and  Grammar    


The definite article

Prepositions and articles

Present tense

Mi piace / piacciono


Through this fifth unit Learners are able to practise repair strategies particularly when speaking.

This is vital in promoting fluency and communication of key messages. These strategies are fundamental to communication and will transfer to all future units, and form a key component of oral work.

Through the set tasks, Learners will learn the importance of using synonyms and paraphrasing in order to get across their message. These are vital communication strategies for future units.

The Learners will also be able to respond effectively to written language including more complex and extended texts, identifying opinions and inferring meaning.

They will develop thinking skills in working through how to reach a judgement using implied reading cues. This is vital preparation for Higher Level work and will recur more frequently in future units.

Learners will enhance their general knowledge of the wider world through the study of various sports practised in northern and southern Italy

Unit overview - summer term 2

Subject: Italian


Express opinions

Use knowledge of English

Compare cultures

Listen for gist, detail

Scan texts

Use and manipulate key structures and patterns as appropriate

Organising notes to help learning


Theme: Amici                                                       

Gli animali domestici

Amici, teniamoci in forma!

Andare in centro sportivo

Cosa vorresti provare per la prima volta? 

Key Language, vocabulary and Grammar

New adjectives to describe animals

Present tense

Article inclusion

Mai/ Sempre/A volte

Debating language; Comunque / Si può vedere che                                                                         


Through this sixth unit Learners are able to practise reading and responding to a literary text. This forms a key part of the GCSE reading exam and requires a different approach to decoding the text. The inclusion of such texts will allow Learners to practise breaking down compound and unfamiliar words into parts that they can recognise in order to deduce a possible meaning.  This is a cross-curricular skill that will be applicable in other subjects and languages .

The oral tasks in this unit will provide Learners with the practice needed to develop fuller and more developed answers. The tasks will also develop the fluency, accuracy, intonation and pronunciation and range of vocabulary needed to access higher marks in this and future units.

Learners will be trained to conduct Oral peer assessments in order to fully understand the marking criteria and to apply this knowledge in future units.

Learners will extend their knowledge of the wider world by studying the Italian diet and what is considered a normal meal. They will be able to offer personal viewpoints and experiences drawing on their backgrounds.

knowledge OrganiserS

A knowledge organiser is an important document that lists the important facts that learners should know by the end of a unit of work. It is important that learners can recall these facts easily, so that when they are answering challenging questions in their assessments and GCSE and A-Level exams, they are not wasting precious time in exams focusing on remembering simple facts, but making complex arguments, and calculations.

We encourage all pupils to use them by doing the following:

  • Quiz themselves at home, using the read, write, cover, check method.
  • Practise spelling key vocabulary
  • Further researching people, events and processes most relevant to the unit.