Food & Nutrition
Learning Journey & Sequencing Rationale
Food Technology is both a practical and academic subject. It provides our young people with the opportunity to actively respond to class based projects with creativity and rationality. Food Technology teaches our children how to make important decisions in selecting healthy and sustainable options and how to become more resourceful in creating healthy meals for themselves and their families. Our learners also develop a critical understanding of the impact of wise shopping and meal planning in daily life and the wider world. Food Technology delivers excellent opportunities for our learners to develop and apply judgements in relation to aesthetics, economic, moral, and of a social nature, in both their own designing and when evaluating the work of others.
There are 6 units covered across the 3 years of Key stage 3, two units in each year as part of a rotation of 7-8 weeks with 3 other subject areas from the school curriculum. Each unit has a practical task to complete either a model or a final prototype. Year 7s have the opportunity to make a product for themselves to take home. At the end of each unit learners will complete an assessment test which comprises a knowledge multiple choice test and a written test, where their knowledge and understanding is secured.
In Year 7 Design and Technology begins with Problem Solving. This unit gives the learners an understanding of how a design problem is solved. It demonstrates the use of the iterative design process to develop design ideas from conception to the final product. The second unit, Mechanical systems and movement gives learners an insight as to how products work in their everyday lives. They also have an understanding that there is a link between science and mathematics in design and technology. Both units introduce learners to the workshop where they are able to use some of the tools and equipment for the first time. They are also taught the importance of following the health and safety process at this stage.
As the learners move up into Year 8 the focus is on sketching, modelling and iterative design. Learners learn basic drawing skills which enable them sketch ideas from “2D drawings to 3D models. Learners generate a range of ideas through sketching modelling, testing and evaluating.
In Year 9 the focus is improving their designing skills by generating ideas inspired by nature. The first unit ‘Functionality and Aesthetics’ aims to show learners the link between function and form. The second unit in Year 9, ‘Making a prototype’ is a continuation of the first unit. Learners make design choices and create a list of instructions to make final prototype using sustainable materials.
unit overview - food preparation and nutrition
Subject: Food Preparation and Nutrition. KS3 Yr 8 (7-8 weeks). |
Skills |
Weigh and measure Accurate measurement of liquid and solids Select and adjust the cooking process and length of time to suit the ingredient for e.g.: to match the cut of meat and alternatives Test for readiness skewer, visual colour check to establish whether an ingredient or recipe is ready Judge and modify sensory properties Change the taste and aroma through the use of herbs and spices. Presentation of food through garnishes and careful assembly. Knife Skills -Fruit and Vegetables Bridge hold, claw grip, peel, slice, dice, and cutting to even sizes. Meat or alternatives Prepare raw and cooked meat or alternatives (such as tofu, halloumi or cheese). Preparing fruit and vegetables - Preparing fruit and vegetables Grate, peel, wash and dry where appropriate) Using the grill Use a range of foods such as vegetables, meat, or alternatives, such as halloumi to grill or toast. Using the oven Baking Using equipment Use of food processor, mixer, and microwave oven. Cooking methods Water based methods using the hob -Boiling and simmering Dry heat and fat based methods using the hob shallow frying, stir frying. Prepare, combine and shape -Roll, wrap, mix, coat, layer ingredients, whilst demonstrating the technical skill or preventing cross contamination and handling high risk foods correctly. |
Knowledge |
-Food Safety.- 4Cs. -Healthy diet, Eatwell guide. -Macro-nutrients. Definition. 3 major macro-nutrients. -Proteins- 2 types (HBV &LBV). -Nutritional value of proteins- for body building and growth, for all body functions and as a source of energy. -Food sources. Meat, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, cereals. Vegetarian options- soya, quorn, tofu, lentils, nuts, beans -Food miles. -Seasonality. -Food provenance, traceability of foods. -Food and environmental issues-food waste. --Learners will practice skills and apply knowledge to make the following dishes:
Rationale |
Recovery Curriculum. Several specific activities have been created to retrieve knowledge and to re-engage learners. These activities focus on Hygiene and Safety in the classroom, Identifying Basic Equipment and Practising Basic Skills. The activities are mainly hands-on and have been designed to maximise learner’s engagement. They include topic based quizzes, worksheets linked to ppt presentations, and simple practical activities like weighing ingredients, identifying the names and functions of basic equipment. Hygiene and Safety rules will be reinforced and logged in a specially created booklet. The above activities will be done over a period of two weeks Recovery period with learners. Homework will be used to encourage application and enforcement of prior learning. Rationale. -Learners will be able to prepare and cook safely, applying the principles of nutrition and healthy eating. -Learners will cook a variety of predominantly savoury dishes so that they are able to feed themselves and others a healthy and varied diet. -Learners will be able to use proteins to create a variety of quick, healthy dishes, both non vegetarian and vegetarian. -Learners will show creativity in making a meal using food leftovers. |
knowledge organisers
A knowledge organiser is an important document that lists the important facts that learners should know by the end of a unit of work. It is important that learners can recall these facts easily, so that when they are answering challenging questions in their assessments and GCSE and A-Level exams, they are not wasting precious time in exams focusing on remembering simple facts, but making complex arguments, and calculations.
We encourage all pupils to use them by doing the following:
- Quiz themselves at home, using the read, write, cover, check method.
- Practise spelling key vocabulary
- Further researching people, events and processes most relevant to the unit.