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Learning Journey & Sequencing Rationale

Teaching and learning in Spanish and Italian focuses on language acquisition through developing a range of language learning strategies. The emphasis is on encouraging learners to learn, practise and apply key language and structures for a range of tasks and contexts. Languages is traditionally split into four skill areas (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and work centres on developing mastery in each skill area. Lesson activities are varied and may include exploiting a literary text for comprehension, extracting key details from listening texts, engaging in role-play or practising translation. Throughout their learning learners are strongly encouraged to make links with other languages that they know and to share this information with the class. All languages are celebrated and valued within the culture of Language Learning at Harrow High School

Rationale for the Sequencing in MFL at KS3

In Years 7, 8 and 9 we fully cover the National Curriculum Programmes of Study. We build on language learning experiences from Key Stage 2 and Home Languages. The knowledge and skills specified in the KS2 and KS3 Programmes of Study are used to cement the foundation for study at KS4 and beyond. The curriculum is taught by topics that are carefully sequenced to match age appropriate areas of interest and to reflect actual events such as festivals and holidays. It encourages Learners to appreciate and celebrate cultural similarities and differences. The topics are chosen and sequenced to develop phonics, vocabulary and grammar in a planned and purposeful manner, allowing for progression from novice to expert learner. The choice of topics, content and assessments are arranged to allow for language -learning experiences that are successful and engaging. This enables us to promote motivation, self-efficacy and autonomy. 

High frequency words which act as anchor points are prioritised in our curriculum. Carefully chosen topic based vocabulary as well as clusters of related words are also built explicitly into the Curriculum. These are revisited across different contexts, skills and themes to encourage long term memory. The careful sequencing of topics allows for this to happen in a cohesive manner. Each topic also introduces and reinforces Learners to Language -learning strategies in the four skills and in memorising vocabulary and becoming an independent Learner, which are vital for GCSE study.  

The sequencing also allows us to deliver grammar incrementally through a structured and scaffolded approach. With regular retrieval practice and interplay between grammar, phonics and vocabulary and Language Learning strategies, a strong foundation in knowledge is built ready for GCSE study. Detailed assessment and feedback lead demonstrably to Learner progress in knowledge, spontaneity, engagement and accuracy.

Rationale for the Sequencing in MFL at GCSE

The GCSE course continues to build on the foundations established at KS3. The three themes of Identity and Culture; Local, national, international and global areas of interest and Current and future study and employment are sequenced to naturally reflect the Learners journey, experiences and interests during these two years of school life. Each theme is split into four topics which interleave the learning between the topics and also between the themes. The topics link logically into each other and also include retrieval from key stage 3. The key skills of Reading, Learning vocabulary, writing, translation skills, building grammar knowledge, Listening, dealing with authentic texts and Speaking are practised in each topic. Complexity of Language increases appropriately in context of the topic.  Grammar is carefully introduced and revisited frequently. The topics also expand Learners cultural knowledge whilst developing language skills. This approach enables Learners of all abilities to develop their Spanish language skills to their full potential, equipping them with the knowledge to communicate in a variety of contexts with confidence. This is important as we strongly believe in languages as a skill for life and something Learners should enjoy and find rewarding and useful. Each topic also interleaves key communication strategies and repair strategies which will greatly increase their ability to cope successfully with unknown words. These same strategies also support other curriculum areas. Full coverage of the themes ensures that our Learners are fully prepared for the GCSE exams and to continue learning languages in the future. 




unit overview  - autumn term 1

Subject: Italian


Communicating in the target language

Grammar and how to apply it


Listen for detail/gist

Adapt language for different contexts

Develop accurate spelling ,pronunciation and intonation

Initiate and develop conversations

Recognising grammatical patterns in Italian

Making connections between languages


Theme: Il presente – Present tense                     

Dove abiti?

Casa mia

La mia camera

Le preposizioni


Il giornalino di Gian Burrasca

Authentic text 2

Key Language, vocabulary and Grammar

Regular patterns of conjugations for ARE/IRE/ERE verbs in present tense.


Irregular verbs     

Describing hometown and area using key vocabulary.

Verbs: Volere/Dovere/Potere

C’è / Ci sono                                                                     


This unit enables Learners strengthen their independent thinking skills and add to their range of ‘reading strategies’.

By studying the grammatical structures and recognising patterns, students should be able to make the connection with new, unknown verbs and conjugate them accordingly.

The authentic text written by Vamba is an introductory, foundation level piece of writing which will aim to develop students’ overall cultural awareness of Italian writers.

It will also enable them to identify new written structures and serves as  an exemplar model of a GCSE written text from the reading exam, enriching their exam practice.

unit overview - autumn 2

Subject: Italian


Identifying key connectors

Grammar and how to apply it


Listen for detail/gist

Adapt language for different contexts

Develop accurate spelling ,pronunciation and intonation

Initiate and develop conversations

Recognising grammatical patterns in Italian

Making connections between languages



La vita quotidiana

Una giornata tipica

Lavori in casa

A tavola

Il cibo – al supermercato

Gianni Rodari.

A inventare i numeri.

Authentic text 1

Key Language, vocabulary and Grammar

Che ore sono?                            

Reflexive verbs

Describing your daily routine.

Extending sentences

Meal times.

Verb stare + gerund.

Mangiare + Bere                                                                     


Learners will draw on prior knowledge in more depth to practise the everyday skill of how to tell the time. Learners will increase their general knowledge of time systems and time differences across countries as they begin to understand the 24 hour clock.

The topic of ‘daily routine’ will not only increase the students’ vocabulary base of basic verbs, but will also highlight cultural differences between students from different countries. This raises cultural awareness as well as general knowledge about the world.

Learners will demonstrate use of accuracy through writing an extended piece of writing describing their daily routine The fundamental understanding of connectives, conjugating verbs in the present tense as well as how to justify opinions will be a reference point for future writing tasks.

Learners will increase general and cultural awareness through exposure to the authentic text written by Gianni Rodari . This offers an opportunity for Learners to research and report on other famous Italian people.

unit overview - spring 1

Subject: Italian


Identifying key vocabulary

Grammar and how to apply it

Making comparisons using ‘che’

Listen for detail/gist

Adapt language for different contexts

Develop accurate spelling ,pronunciation and intonation

Initiate and develop conversations

Recognising grammatical patterns in Italian

Making connections between languages


Theme: A scuola                                                   

A scuola – le materie

Nella mia scuola abbiamo…         

Il mio profossore

È chiacchierone!

La divisa scolastica

Com’è la tua scuola

A scuola

Nel futuro                                                                                

Key Language, vocabulary and Grammar

Present and future tenses together

Irregular and regular verb conjugations in future tense

Il superlativo


School vocabulary

Perfect tense – initial introduction        


In this third unit, Learners will engage in vital practise and preparation for future units.

They will further develop their independence and resilience when confronted with unfamiliar content. This is a cross-curricular skill and will further develop thinking skills. 

Learners will engage in giving opinions with justifications. This is an important life skill in understanding clear and accurate communication.

Learners will apply a wider range of reading strategies to longer authentic materials. This is a life skill transferrable to different contexts and media.

In addition, Learners will formulate relevant questions. This broadens thinking skills and again is an important life skill.

unit overview - spring 2

Subject: Italian


To communicate spontaneously when giving directions

Listen for key pointers

Identify distractors

Adapt language for different contexts

Develop accurate spelling ,pronunciation and intonation

Initiate and develop conversations

Recognising grammatical patterns in Italian

Making connections between languages


Theme: Viaggiare                                                

Il viaggio

Viaggiare in treno o autbus

Chiedere e dare indicazioni stradali

All’ufficio turistico


Una vacanza recente

Che tempo fa?

Il perfetto e l’imperfetto

 Key Language, vocabulary and Grammar

The perfect tense

The imperfect tense

Imperative commands for giving directions

The formal structure using ‘Lei’



In this fourth unit, Learners will secure knowledge and application of the key grammar points needed to access higher level. 

Learners will be keen to express their requirements, likes and dislikes on current modes of travel and will also expand on students’ knowledge regarding how to help the environment.

They will become skilled to respond to different types of language and contexts. This is a life skill in recognising appropriate audience.

Learners will deduce meaning using the context and will develop vital memorisation skills. This is a cross curricular skill and develops thinking skills.

Learners will be reflective in self-assessments and use these reflections to set targets to further improve their writing skills.

unit overview -  summer 1

Subject: Italian


Identifying pronouns

Formal register and informal register

Listen for detail/gist

Adapt language for different contexts

Develop accurate spelling, pronunciation and intonation

Initiate and develop conversations

Recognising grammatical patterns in Italian

Making connections between languages


Theme: In campeggio                                         

In albergo

In Campeggio

Fare un reclamo

Al bar


Buon appetite!          

Key Language, vocabulary and Grammar

How to make a formal complaint

Transactional phrases

Relative pronouns che and a cui

Disjunctive/Emphatic pronouns

Direct object pronouns

Indirect object pronouns


In this fifth unit Learners will further develop refined reading and listening strategies. Many of these strategies will be cross-curricular.

Learners will extend their knowledge of the wider world whilst being introduced to further holiday and accommodation vocabulary and exploring different destinations.

This unit is also vital to consolidate the three tenses which students have learnt in previous units, and will combine all new grammatical structures within the same context.

unit overview - summer 2

Subject: Italian


Interaction through role-play

Listen for detail/gist

Adapt language for different contexts

Develop accurate spelling, pronunciation and intonation

Initiate and develop conversations


Recognising grammatical patterns in Italian

Making connections between languages


Theme: Informazioni pratiche                           

Una gita a Firenze

Al telefono

Al mare

Grammatica 4


Key Language, vocabulary and Grammar

The pronoun ne

Che / Cui

The gerund – present tense

How to talk to doctors and chemists

Combined forms of direct and indirect pronouns

Imperfect tense of stare + gerund

Conjugation of volere in 3 tenses


This unit offers Learners the opportunity to develop thinking and decision making skills when confronted with familiar and unfamiliar situations abroad. They will make choices between familiar and unfamiliar forms of address in GCSE style role plays which also introduce the concept of spontaneity. This is vital in developing the skills needed for future units and GCSE.

Learners will use practical skills such as numeracy and internet research in order to book a visit or activity whilst abroad in the TL. These are cross curricular and life skills and also broaden thinking and research skills.


A knowledge organiser is an important document that lists the important facts that learners should know by the end of a unit of work. It is important that learners can recall these facts easily, so that when they are answering challenging questions in their assessments and GCSE and A-Level exams, they are not wasting precious time in exams focusing on remembering simple facts, but making complex arguments, and calculations.

We encourage all pupils to use them by doing the following:

  • Quiz themselves at home, using the read, write, cover, check method.
  • Practise spelling key vocabulary
  • Further researching people, events and processes most relevant to the unit.