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  • Votes for Schools

    Published 10/11/20

    See the latest vote results on climate change and The Big Screen and Cinemas. This week's vote topic  is looking at World Records and personal ones.  Could you break a record? 

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  • Wearing of face masks will be compulsory

    Published 19/10/20

    Dear Parents/Carers

    Following the government’s announcement of the latest London restrictions, and in line with other local schools, the wearing of face masks in school for learners and staff will be compulsory in communal areas and when queuing around school from Monday.

    On Monday can you please ensure that your child brings a face mask and a small plastic bag for storage of the mask when not in use, to school. All face masks should be plain in colour. If your child is exempt from wearing a face mask, please send in a note to let us know the reason.

    We attach a fact sheet which we hope will answer your questions on how face coverings in school will work. We will go through this in detail with learners on Monday.

    Yours sincerely
    Paul Gamble

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  • Black History Month

    Published 19/10/20

    October marks Black History Month and this week and next we have been looking at a variety of famous Black Britons who have made a great contribution and difference to the community as well as different and inspirational historical figures from a variety of cultures. Learners are enjoying the work we are doing on BHM and have shown a high level of engagement as it gives them a chance to explore different cultures and people who may not necessarily be covered within the traditional curriculum.

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  • Votes for Schools

    Published 19/10/20

    VotesforSchools is a weekly current affairs voting platform designed to engage young people in political and social issues. Through weekly debating and voting, not only are our young people learning about the world around them, they are becoming prepared for participating in our democratic processes. Each week we will be sharing the finding of the vote with you and the topic for the next week.

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  • Headteacher's Letter 11.09.2020

    Published 07/08/20

    Dear Parent/Carer

    As we draw near to the end of our first full week back in school, I thought I’d take this opportunity to update you on how our return has gone.

    After a short period of settling in, learners and staff have done an amazing job of adapting to our new systems. Learner behaviour around the school and in classrooms has been impeccable and the quality of teaching and learning is again excellent. The sense of common purpose and desire to get on with our core activity of teaching and learning is clear for all to see.

    At the same time, everyone is aware of the need for safety and to protect each other and the use of sanitisers and cleaning wipes is allowing us to provide the full curriculum to all learners. We are currently risk assessing the use of science labs and hope to reintroduce some practical science lessons in the very near future.

    We are of course, aware that should there be any confirmed cases of COVID-19 amongst our school community, government guidance states that there may be a need for some learners and/or staff to isolate. We will of course keep you fully informed should this occur. In preparation for this, we are rolling out a series of initiatives including Google Classroom to facilitate high quality learning opportunities for learners who may have to work from home. Over the next two weeks, all learners will receive initial training in how to use this and I urge you to ask them to demonstrate it to you at home. We will write to you with more details in due course.

    I would like to close by thanking you all for your support of the school in these difficult times. It is amazing to have our learners back learning and enjoying school with their friends.
    Have a great weekend.

    Yours sincerely
    Paul Gamble

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  • Headteacher Re-Opening letter 28.08.20

    Published 31/07/20

    Dear Parents/Carers

    We are writing to explain to you the procedures that we are putting in place as part of our reopening for all learners in September. We know this is still a very uncertain time and we also understand the importance of having young people back in full time education. This will bring benefits for their physical and mental health as well as ensuring that they are continuing their learning journey. We ask parents to be fully supportive of the school in these measures and to talk them through with their son/daughter. There is some school specific information here that new learners and Year 7s will not yet have full knowledge of but we will go through it with them in more detail on their first day at school.

    Whilst we can never guarantee a risk free environment, we do take the health and safety of our community very seriously. In order to mitigate risk and ensure the safety of all we have followed government guidelines and set out the process for re-opening school next week in the attached document. You are advised to read the guidance very carefully and if you have any questions, please do contact the school to discuss by emailing Please put COVID measures in the title of the email.

    We look forward to seeing everyone back in school.

    Yours sincerely
    Paul Gamble

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  • GCSE Results Statement 2020

    Published 13/07/20

    This has been a very challenging year for all involved in education but for learners who were due to sit exams this year it has been really hard. They have missed out on so many of the experiences that learners have previously taken for granted and they have faced uncertainty and anxiety of an unpresented level around their results.

    That is why we are especially delighted to see so many of our Year 11 learners in school once again today celebrating their deserved success. We are delighted with their outcomes and they fully reflect their hard work and dedication throughout their years at HHS. At the same time, it is sad to say goodbye today but we are pleased that so many of them will be back in a few weeks as they enrol into our sixth form.

    There are so many GCSE stories which could be shared but a special mention to the Year 11 Head boy and girls of 2020. Ilanthiraiyan Sivagnananamoorthy, Head Boy, celebrates with a well-deserved clean sweep of 11 grade 9’s across all subjects. Head Girls Pranvera Merkaj and Anne-Rosa Bilal also secure the clean sweep of 11 grade 9s.

    At A-Level and Level 3 BTEC, we have had many successes, with nearly all of our students off to study at their first choice universities. Special mentions to Aleksa Kirilova who achieved A*A*A and will be studying Politics and Economics at LSE, and Suela Merkaj who also achieved A*A*A and will be studying Medicine at Plymouth. Asma Laiche achieved a clean sweep of Triple Distinction* in her BTEC Science course, and will now train to be a Physiotherapist

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