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  • Year 8: Off to the Globe Theatre

    Published 07/03/23

    Year 8 to visit Shakespeare's Globe on 22 March 2023.

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  • February 2023 Newsletter

    Published 10/02/23

    10 February 2023

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  • LGBTQIA+ History Month

    Published 07/02/23

    Look out for the posters around the school. Use the QR codes to find out more.

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  • Box Clever Theatre Company

    Published 24/01/23

    We have been delighted to have the opportunity to host ‘Box Clever’ Theatre Company in our Drama Suite this term. 

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  • Latest Newsletter

    Published 06/01/23

    This newsletter contains details about our Relationship and Sex Education policy that we consulted with parents and carers on. There is also information about school meals and cost of living support from the Young Harrow Foundation.

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  • Year 9 at the Horniman Museum

    Published 14/12/22

    Aspirations Trips took place on 8 December. There was something on offer for all year groups across the school.

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  • Newsletter: Autumn 2

    Published 05/12/22

    Keep up-to-date with all the wonderful achievements of our learners, find out about clubs and forthcoming events. Use the link to view the latest newsletter.

    Autumn 2: 28 November 2022

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  • Relationships & Sex Education Policy

    Published 23/11/22
    Find out more about Harrow High School's Relationships and Sex Education policy. As of April 2021, all UK state schools have a responsibility to teach Relationships, Sex, and Health Education in school. More information, on this, is in the fly
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  • Remembrance Service 2022

    Published 23/11/22

    Harrow High School remembers those who have lost their lives in conflicts around the world.

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  • University Visits

    Published 22/11/22

    Year 7 spend the day at Middlesex University

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  • Theatre Visit: Life of Pi

    Published 22/11/22

    "Totally amazing!"

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  • Black British Music

    Published 19/10/22

    Congratulations to all of our participating learners from Performing Arts and English Faculties on a hugely successful evening of song, dance, poetry and presentations at the Harrow Music Centre to celebrate Black British Music and promote this year's theme 'Actions Not Words'.

    It was impressive to see our Choir singing 'Three Little Birds' (Don't Worry About a Thing) and so wonderful to see Amiah Pinto, Muska Noorzad, Noble Singh and Sharvi Arunprakash speaking solo to a full-house audience with such accomplished and mature skill.

    With thanks to Mr Kalisch Smith for organising the trip.


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