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  • Careers and Higher/Further Education Fair - 20th OCTOBER 2021

    Published 04/10/21

    We will be holding our annual Careers and Higher/Further Education Fair for all students on Wednesday 20th October 4:00pm - 7:00pm. This event is a key part of our strategy of supporting our students in their university and career aspirations and aims to provide as much information as possible about the future pathways available to them. Research says that parents serve as a major influence in their children's career development and career decision- making and that when students feel supported by their parents, they have more confidence in their own ability to research careers and to choose a career that would be interesting and exciting.

    Representatives from approximately 30 universities and organisations will be in school to speak to our learners and offer advice regarding their field of expertise. Each exhibitor will hold a stand in the school Hall. Students will undertake some preparatory work during registration, prior to the event, to ensure that they are fully prepared. We would like to invite Parents and Carers to attend the information fair on Wednesday 20th October from 4 pm - 7 pm and take this opportunity for you to discuss career and university aspirations with your child and exhibitors. Parking will be available on the school playground.

    To maintain social distancing, and limit the number of visitors at any one time, families will be able to attend 1 of 3 sessions during the evening (4:00pm - 5:00pm, 5:00pm - 6:00pm or 6:00pm - 7:00pm). Please let us know, using the Google Form, which session you can attend.

    Please click this link to complete the Google Form, to confirm your attendance, and pick a time slot

    Additional safety measures in place include a one way system, the use of sand sanitisers, and use of ventilation. We recommend that all families take a lateral flow test before arriving, and if you, or your child has symptoms of COVID-19 or are self-isolating due to a positive test or being a ‘close contact’, they should not come to the event. 

    It is important that at least one parent or career attend this event with their child, so they can help their child make informed decisions about their future.   

    For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at the school. 

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  • 24th September 2021 newsletter

    Published 24/09/21

    Catch up with the latest news at Harrow High School 

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  • European day of languages 26.09.21

    Published 16/09/21

    The week beginning on the 20th of September we will celebrate the European Day of Languages (26th of the month). This is a great opportunity to acknowledge the cultural and linguistic diversity at Harrow High.

    The day will be marked by a delicious meal cooked by our talented canteen staff and to help create a more festive atmosphere, music from every European country will be played in the corridors.

    Learning is fundamental to everything we do, and to that effect Year 7 and Year 8 learners will have special MFL lessons which cover the common roots of all European Languages. This will give them the opportunity to reflect and consider the unity of our continent and the diversity of language and culture it has to offer. Last, but not least, assemblies that focus on the benefits of learning languages will be presented to all students in school.

    Happy European Day of Languages to you all!

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  • Prospective Parents' Opening Evening

    Published 14/09/21

    Tuesday 21st September 2021 6.30 pm - 8.30 pm 


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  • School communication

    Published 09/09/21

    School Term is well underway and we have really enjoyed walking around our corridors and classrooms welcoming back all of our learners who were here last year and saying hello to our new Year 7’s. We would like to take this early opportunity to say a big welcome back to all of our parents and carers and to thank them in advance for another year of well received support for the school.

    As you will be aware, one of our school beliefs is excellent communication. Specifically, we strive for ‘good understanding of each other’ and ‘clarity of purpose’ in all our messaging. We had great feedback from so many of you last year in this area, especially around our online learning and support for learners and families. To that end, we will be carrying on with our half-termly catch-up calls from your child's tutor with the aim of ensuring you are happy with your child's experience. Please do tell us what is going well and if you do have any issues, please do raise them and we will address them.

    We strive to be open and approachable at all times. To this end, if you wish to inform us of something or to speak to a teacher/Head of Year/School Leader, please use the contact form on the website and someone will respond to you via email or phone as soon as we can. If the matter is urgent or concerns the safety of any child, please phone the school, speak to our receptionist and let us know that it is a safeguarding matter.

    Other important sources of information are, of course, our website; and Twitter feed @HarrowHighSch. Please keep your eyes on these for important messages and news about what we are up to.

    We will also make contact with you via email, either for matters specific to your child, their year group or even the whole school so please ensure we have the correct details for this. You can update your contact details, including email address via the SIMS in touch app. This also contains other information about your child’s schooling including details of achievement and attendance. If you don’t currently use this, a guide for how to get involved is available here.

    For further information or if you would like help downloading the App please contact Mr Yazdizad, IT Manager at

    Finally, the school will be producing a bi-weekly newsletter with details of whole school matters and upcoming events in each year group. This will come to you via email and will be available to download via the school website so please do read this carefully.

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  • Lateral flow testing

    Published 02/09/21

    As you may be aware the Government has asked all schools to conduct 2 Covid-19 lateral flow tests with all learners in school when they return.  The tests that have been provided use a double nasal swab rather than the throat and nasal process that had been used previously.  Testing is not compulsory but we would strongly encourage everyone to take part. Along with the other protective measures we are taking, these tests will help staff and learners to remain in school safely. Testing for Year 11 will be on Friday 3rd September with testing for Years 7 - 10 and Sixth Form starting on Monday 6th September.  

    All learners will then be given Covid-19 test kits to take home so that they can test twice a week and we would ask for your support in making sure that this happens. 

    If you have previously given consent for your child to be tested, this will still be valid. If you have not previously given consent and would like to now, please email Miss L Sidoli at  

    All Year 7 learners will need to complete a new consent form here by clicking on the link

    This testing programme at school is for people with no symptoms. If your child develops symptoms at any time (such as a high temperature; a new, continuous cough; or a loss or change to their sense of smell or taste) they must immediately self-isolate, and book a PCR test.  

    We would also like to confirm that we will still be recommending the wearing of facemasks as learners move around the school site. We have an old school building and corridors can be very busy. As such, learners will be asked to put facemasks on when entering and exiting the building and may remove them in lessons. If your son or daughter is exempt from wearing a facemask, please advise us

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  • GCSE Results 2021

    Published 12/08/21

    Harrow High School would like to congratulate all of our learners on yet another excellent set of GCSE results. Yet again, we are so very proud of the fantastic efforts of all our learners and the excellent work of all our staff who have all shown immense skill and dedication over the difficult past two years.  

    Paul Gamble, the headteacher said;

    “These excellent results are a reflection of how well our learners and teachers have adapted during the unprecedented two years and the levels of commitment they have demonstrated. We are incredibly proud of them all. I would also like to thank our fantastic community of parents for their unwavering support for the school and their children which has been vital during the enforced periods of live online learning.”

    We are looking forward to welcoming so many of them back into the Sixth Form in September and we would like to wish the remainder all the best for their future studies and careers. Please stay in touch.

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  • Sixth Form Admissions

    Published 12/08/21

    We have a very small number of places available on our A-Level and BTEC courses.

    If you are interested in applying,  please read all the information on our website and send an e-mail to with the following information:

    - Full Name

    - Age

    - Copy of GCSE results

    - Courses you want to apply for. 

    If we have spaces for courses you are interested in, and you meet the entry requirements, you will be contacted by a member of the Sixth Form team. 

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  • A-Level & Level 3 BTEC Results 2021

    Published 10/08/21

    A-Level & Level 3 BTEC Results Day 2021

    Harrow High School is pleased to announce that Year 13 learners have today achieved fantastic outcomes in their A-Level, and Level 3 BTEC qualifications, which will allow them all to progress to a range of universities of their choice such as Cambridge, UCL, Kings, Manchester, and Liverpool. 

    Paul Gamble, Headteacher commented "We are delighted with our results and are so proud of how hard learners have worked over the last 2 years to achieve such excellent outcomes, especially with the challenges of school closure, remote learning, and formal exams not being held. Despite all the uncertainties, Sixth Form learners at Harrow High continued to do exceptionally well and today will be celebrating some exceptional results. These results are the culmination of years of hard work, over many years and are thoroughly well deserved." 

    Kevin Patel, Head of Sixth Form, said he was “delighted with the results. This group of young people showed dedication and determination throughout their studies and they are now reaping the rewards. They have been supported by an incredibly talented team of teaching and support staff whose efforts are clear to see. We are a small sixth form where teachers know learners really well, meaning they get the individual support they need to achieve excellent outcomes.” He added “100% of our Sixth Form learners have made successful applications to universities across the country and these results will ensure they are all able to take up these places. I am so proud of every single one of them.”

    We are proud of all of our students, but a few have really shone this year:

    Mark Brown who achieved A*A*A* in Chemistry, Maths, and Physics, and will be reading Chemical Engineering at Cambridge.

    Christina Merkaj who achieved A*A*A* in Biology, Chemistry, and Maths, and will be reading Medicine, at Anglia Ruskin

    Anum Waseem who achieved A*A*A* in Biology, Chemistry, and Maths, and will be reading Clinical Pharmacology at St Georges

    Ahmad Gherin who achieved Triple Distinction* in Business Studies and will be reading Business Management at Queen Mary

    Ebony Hunter who achieved Triple Distinction* in Applied Science and will be reading Psychology at Surrey 

    Soumia Laouar who achieved A*AA in Biology, Chemistry, and Maths, and will be reading Pharmacy at UCL

    Zan Farouqui who achieved A*AA in Computer Science, Economics, and Maths and will be reading Politics, Philosophy, and Economics at Kings.

    HHS Sixth Form Twitter Page

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  • Summer 2 - End of Term Newsletter

    Published 23/07/21
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  • End of Term arrangements

    Published 21/07/21

    School finishes on Friday 23rd July 

    Year 12 will be dismissed at 10.50 am

    Year 11 will be dismissed at 11.15 am 

    Years 7, 8 & 9 will be dismissed from 11.45 am - 12.00 noon


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  • Late start to school on Monday 12th July

    Published 09/07/21

    As you will all be aware, the England Football Team will be playing Italy in the Final of the European Championships on Sunday 11th July at 8pm. With the prospect of extra time and (gulp..) penalties, this may finish very late.

    In order to allow learners and staff to enjoy the game, the school will open an hour later on Monday morning. 

    School gates will open at 9.30am, learners should be on site by 9.45am latest and registration will commence at 9.50am.

    For parents/carers who need to send their children to school at normal time, supervision will be available in the playground and canteen from 8.30am. Learners should bring a book or work/revision to complete during this time.

    Should the government announce a bank holiday in the event of an England victory, the school will be closed. This information will be shared via the website. Please ensure you check this on Monday morning.

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