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  • Virtual Year 6 Transition Day

    Published 02/07/21

    The Year 6 transition day will now take place as a virtual induction day. A virtual tour and a range of resources will be available to view on the website from the 6th July.

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  • Windrush Day

    Published 21/06/21

    Harrow High School Academy is committed to ensuring inclusion and diversity for all in our school community. 

    To support this we will be celebrating Windrush Day.  The 22nd June 2021  marks the 73rd anniversary of the arrival of the ship Empire Windrush at Tilbury Dock, Essex from Kingston Jamaica; the beginning of a new chapter in the history of the UK. The 802 Caribbean citizens on board were the first of 500,000 Commonwealth citizens who settled in Britain between 1948 and 1971. They were invited to live as British citizens and help rebuild the "mother country" filling post-war labour shortages across a myriad of industries. This year we will celebrate how the Windrush generation played a crucial part in making Britain 'Great' again! 

    Learners will have an assembly on Monday to start the celebrations, and KS3 learners will also cover Windrush across English, Geography, Art, and Music, highlighting how this generation influenced and impacted the UK's cultural landscape.

    The music this week will cover a range of diverse musical genres that originate from the Caribbean, such as reggae, ska and calypso. The hall and the canteen will be decorated with the flags of Caribbean countries and a special lunch menu has been designed around Caribbean cuisine. 

    Educating our learners about The Windrush will help develop their knowledge of world geography and history and improve their social and cultural understanding of how Caribbean migrants contributed and helped shape the wonderful multi-racial communities of 21st century Britain

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  • Former Chair of Governors passes away

    Published 17/06/21
    It is with great sadness that the school acknowledges the passing of former Chair of Governors, Peter Hamill. Born in Manchester he and Jenny moved to Harrow in 1974 Peter first became a school governor at St Teresa's primary school in
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  • Pride Month at Harrow High

    Published 11/06/21

    At Harrow High we are committed to ensuring inclusion and diversity for all in our school community, and will be celebrating Pride Month for the first time in an effort to raise awareness against homophobia and educate learners on LGBTQ+ History. Our weekly registration activities have been tailored to develop a deeper understanding, acceptance, respect and kindness towards the LGBTQ+ community. 

    We have also been working around this year’s Pride theme of “Visibility, Unity and Equality” to offer a multi-sensory experience to our staff and learners. 

    Learners will have an assembly on Monday to start the celebrations and Votes For School are marking School Diversity Week with a topic that will focus on self-expression. 

    The hall and the canteen will bear all the colours of the rainbow and a selfie wall will be available for those who want to “Say Pride” and tag our school account on our social media platforms. 

    On Tuesday 15th June a special Pride Lunch menu will be available in the canteen which has been designed around LGBTQ+ icons (people who have inspired and supported the LGBTQ+ community). You’ll have to channel your inner Alan Turing in order to decipher the items on the menu and identify all the celebrities correctly. 

    What would a Pride Month celebration be without the music? Our corridors will come alive this month with a playlist of the best instrumental versions of LGBTQ+ anthems.

    Harrow High School wishes you a happy Pride month, whoever you are and whoever you love

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  • Middlesex University - Life Skill Workshops

    Published 08/06/21

    We are delighted that Middlesex University has invited Harrow High School learners to their virtual Life Skills: Student Money Hacks on Wednesday 16th June - 4:30 pm-5:30 pm.

    This live event is to help students aged 14 and above learn tips and tricks on how to manage their money and learn to save and use money effectively. They have designed these sessions with students in mind to receive the best support and advice on their journey into higher education.

    Their live event incorporates live and recorded content from professional money advisors and current MDX Students.

    During the session, they will cover:

    • Student money hacks: Tips and Tricks
    • The Student Side Hustle: Getting a student job alongside your studies
    • The MDX Life Skills- Money Hacks Checklist: Tick off everything to be prepared! 

    This is a fantastic opportunity for Harrow High learners to get personalised advice from Middlesex University support staff and current students. They'll also be able to ask their questions in the live Q&A's after each workshop.

    You can read more information on the Middlesex University website, which includes the registration form for Harrow High learners to book a place

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  • Virtual Year 8 Parents Evening

    Published 07/06/21

    Year 8 online Parents Evening on 15th June from 5.00 pm — 7.00 pm.

    To book your appointment please log in to the booking site 

    Booking is open from 07th of June 08:00 to 14th of June 23:30

    SchoolCloud - Harrow High School

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  • Summer 1 Newsletter - May 2021

    Published 28/05/21
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  • Parent Governor Vacancy

    Published 28/05/21

    School governors play a vital role in school life and make a positive contribution towards children's education. We currently have a vacancy for a parent governor and would encourage our parents to apply. If you are interested in the role, please complete a nomination form and return it to school by Monday 7th June. We look forward to receiving your application.

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  • Eid Mubarak from Harrow High

    Published 11/05/21

    We would like to take this opportunity to wish our school community who celebrate, Eid Mubarak. In school, we will be marking Eid with a celebration Eid lunch on Tuesday 18th May in the canteen which will be festively decorated by Sixth Form learners. We will also be playing music from Muslim artists throughout the school for a fortnight

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  • Jack Petchey Winner (March)

    Published 06/05/21
    Congratulations and well done to the March Jack Petchey winner, Rodrigo Fernandes (10 QM) Rodrigo won this award after picking up a number of nominations from his form and a long list of teachers who were impressed by his posit
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  • Year 11 Final Arrangements

    Published 05/05/21
    We would like to start by saying how well all the learners have done over these last few weeks. The engagement and behaviour have been excellent and staff have been very vocal in the praise for their efforts in the April/May final assessments. As you
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  • Votes for Schools - Latest Results

    Published 19/04/21
    See the latest vote results for: Are the days of cash numbered? Next week's Vote Topic: Do we talk enough about consent?
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