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  • Learner of the Term

    Published 01/04/21

    Learner of the Term celebrates the efforts of learners who have demonstrated outstanding behaviour, achievement, attendance and support of the school and its values. 

    We congratulation the follows learners you have been nominated by their tutor and chosen by their Standards and Achievement Leader for Learner of the Spring Term.

    Vihan KelKar (Y7)

    It has been an incredibly challenging term but Vihan has managed to thrive during this time.

    Over the course of the term, Vihan has become an important role model for other learners in the year group: his attendance and punctuality are superb, he is focused and engaged in all lessons and actively looks to help and support others where he can. Despite arriving later in the school year, he has already managed to obtain a silver badge and well on the way to achieving gold next term. This term, he was elected a Learner Voice prefect, demonstrating that he is a valued and well-respected member of his form and keen to participate in helping to improve the wider school community.

    Vihan has also excelled academically this term. Despite the difficulties posed by remote learning, he continued to demonstrate an unrelenting commitment and enthusiasm for his studies and has made excellent progress during this time. On return to school, he has maintained this level of focus which has had a positive impact on the rest of the class. Vihan’s active participation in class is particularly noteworthy. He has a very inquisitive nature and often offers thought-provoking contributions, often leading to insightful discussions through which learners (and teachers!) are able to learn and progress. This term, he also became a member of the ‘Brilliant Club’ and is keen to share his experiences of this with other members in his form.

    We would like to congratulate Vihan on all his efforts over the course of this term and wish him  all the best for the Summer term ahead.

    Mifrah Mohammed  Mushtaq (Y8)
    Mifrah is a clear example  of her commitment to the  Harrow High School Excellences.

    She always goes above and beyond in every subject, completing all her work to the best of her ability and asking for more challenging resources and tasks when she finishes the work set. Her attendance and behaviour are impeccable across the board.

    Mifrah has shown to have spectacular organisational skills and a teamwork ethos, especially during lock-down when she managed to organise not only her team but the whole class to create a newspaper. She takes initiative and always tries to find a solution to every little obstacle that might arise on a daily basis, making her a very active voice in form time and also in her lessons.

    Mifrah is kind, caring and is always willing to help her peers, particularly when she senses someone might be struggling and afraid of asking for help. 

    Well done Mifrah!

    Andreea Cucer (Y9)

    Andreea has done exceptionally well and her teachers are extremely pleased with her efforts during this term The Harrow High's excellences are evident in all Andreea’s efforts with  outstanding attendance to lessons and her excellent contributions to the School community. Andreea thoroughly deserves this recognition.

    Well done!

    Shreaya Golding (Y10)

    Congratulations to Shreaya on being Learner of the Term she has shown great resilience during  the Spring term. Her attendance has been fantastic to both online learning and in school. She has also shown great efforts in her learning and proved to be a conscientious and hard working individual who will no doubt continue to progress. Shreaya has set excellent standards for herself and definitely deserves the learner of the term award. Keep up the hard work and a massive well done to you!

    Sriyuktha Kanduri (Y11)

    Sriyuktha has been chosen for the Learner of the Term Award due to the multiple qualities she has displayed. Sriyuktha  has been hardworking and diligent in relation to her prefect duties and extremely focused, disciplined and tireless in regards to her classwork and learning. She combines this with a high intelligence and friendly demeanour and thoroughly deserves this award.

    Well done!

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  • Year 9 Parents Evening

    Published 01/04/21

    Year 9 online Parents Evening on 22nd April from 5.00 pm - 7.00 pm.

    To book your appointment please login to the booking site 

    Booking is open from 14th of April 08:00 to 21st of April 23:30

    SchoolCloud - Harrow High School

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  • Home Testing

    Published 26/03/21
    You may well be aware that on Thursday, the school received notification that two learners within Year 8 had tested positive for COVID. As a result, a number of learners identified as close contacts are now isolating for the requisite ten days.
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  • Covid Self-Testing Instructions

    Published 19/03/21

    We are delighted that we have reached the end of the testing process with every learner who has been given permission receiving up to 3 tests, depending on attendance. We are pleased to confirm that no-one tested positive. We would also like to thank all our families for their support with this

    The government has now directed that parents should test learners for Covid at home twice weekly until the Easter holidays. We will be sending your son/daughter home today equipped with a self-testing kit which contains 3 tests. We ask that you undertake these tests on Sunday evening, 21st March, Wednesday evening, 24th March and Sunday evening 28th March.  If each test result is negative no further action is required. You must inform us if your son/daughter tests positive and must arrange for a confirmatory PCR test and self-isolate as per government guidelines. 

    We have put together a short video to help you with the testing process



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  • Phased Return to school from the 8th March ​​​​​​​

    Published 01/03/21
    We look forward to welcoming all our learners back to school from the 8th March 2020. Below sets out the phasing of our return over 4 days whilst we test  each year group on their return. Year 11,12,13 will come into school for a test on
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  • Jack Petchey Winner

    Published 24/02/21

    Congratulations to Weronika (Y11) who has been nominated the Jack Petchey award for January, after having been voted for by her classmates and teachers alike.

    Teachers in particular praised her consistent work ethic, steady, positive attitude, and her wonderful humanity. 

    This award is well-deserved as Weronika has long been an excellent contributor to the Harrow High community. In Y11, she has been particularly dedicated, and met a small group of classmates after school once a week to tutor them in Computer Science. During lock-down, she has gone the extra mile every week and kept an excellent spirit during remote learning, always the one to share knowledge and encourage others.

    Well done and keep up the good work.

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  • National Careers Week 2021

    Published 23/02/21

    National Careers Week runs from the 1st to the 6th of March 2021 and aims to promote the importance of good careers education in schools and colleges. The event is founded by several volunteers with a combined wealth of experience from the Education, Business and Careers Guidance sectors and is run as a, not for profit organisation

    Throughout the week our learners will get the opportunity to take part in a range of exciting activities and presentation during tutor time and some lessons. This will include years 7 - 10 having a lesson on Unifrog and learners will explore how interests lead to different education and training pathways.  They will also be guided on what steps need to be ticked off to stand the best chance of application success.

    The full programme of webinars and workshops can be downloaded below.




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  • Spring 1 Remote Learning Rewards

    Published 12/02/21
    We always want to recognise and reward learners’ for their achievements and this term teachers have nominated learners throughout the school for their effort and engagement with online learning. The Standards and Achievement Leaders have sho
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  • Year 11 Parents Evening​​​​​​​

    Published 08/02/21

    Year 11 online Parents Evening on 24th February from 5.00 pm - 7.00 pm.

    To book your appointment please login to the booking site 

    SchoolCloud - Harrow High School


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  • School news update

    Published 11/01/21
    So we've reached the end of week 1 of the start of term and week 1 of our remote learning programme. As per recent government announcements, we now expect this programme to continue until at least the February half-term but, as with everything ri
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  • School Update

    Published 11/01/21

    School is currently closed to all learners, who should continuing with online learning at home. Only vulnerable learners and children of key workers will be able to access provision in school. As soon as we have any further Government guidelines, we will update families.

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  • Excellent Remote Learning

    Published 05/01/21

    Well done to all our leaners and staff on our first day of learning from home, for the whole school. Feedback from students, staff, and parents has been very good, and attendance has been excellent. As we now know that we will be working this way until at least February half term. We are extremely proud of the whole community for making it such a success.

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