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  • Important Update 31.12.20 - Changes to return to school date

    Published 31/12/20
    Please read the attached letter, following on from the Government's announcement last night, on changes to return to school dates, and our plans for remote learning. Following the government’s announcement last night, schools
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  • Spring Term Opening 2021

    Published 19/12/20
    Learners in Years 11, 12 and 13 should come to school as normal from Monday 4th January. They will follow their normal lessons and registration periods as normal. Years 7 to 10 learners should not attend school in person until Monday 11th January.
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  • Autumn Newsletter 2020

    Published 19/12/20
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  • Covid-19 Update for families during the Christmas break

    Published 19/12/20
    The DfE have informed us that they expect schools to be available to trace contacts for positive coronavirus cases for 6 days after the final teaching day of term. This means that we will be available for contact tracing from Saturday 19th December t
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  • Fund Raising - Harrow High Supports Harrow Food Bank

    Published 15/12/20
    The pandemic has brought many challenges this year, none more so than the significant  economic and financial impact this has had on many families in our community.  There are always so many worthwhile causes to support, but this year 
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  • Remote Learning for Year 11

    Published 10/12/20

    Following a number of learners in Year 11 having tested positive for Covid-19 over the past two weeks, the school has regrettably decided that all Year 11 lessons should be delivered online for the last 6 days of this term.

    Year 11 learners should not attend school in person, instead they should follow their normal timetable from home through attending live online lessons and tutor sessions via Google Classroom. If learners have any difficulties with this they should immediately contact;

    Mr Corner

    Mr Preda

    Miss Worley

    Vulnerable learners and children of key workers will be able to access provision in school. The school will directly contact learners who we believe fall into these categories. However, if you believe this applies to you please let us know on the normal school telephone number.

    Online registration will be taken by form tutors and subject teachers.  Attendance will be monitored as it would be normally in school.

    This has not been an easy decision to reach but we have taken this decision with regard to the welfare and safety of all learners and staff involved with Year 11 and following advice and guidance from Public Health England and the Local Authority

    If your son or daughter has already been advised to self-isolate until a certain date, this direction should still be followed. All other learners for other year groups should attend school as normal unless they have been directed to isolate.

    We look forward to welcoming all learners back to school on Monday 4th January 2021

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  • Parents Evenings

    Published 07/12/20
    All parents' evening dates for this term have been moved. Parents evenings for all year groups will take place in Term 2 and the school will release dates in early January 2021.
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  • INSET day Wednesday 9th December - school closed for learners

    Published 07/12/20
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  • KS4 PPEs

    Published 26/11/20

    We wish Year 10 and 11 good luck as KS4 PPEs (pre-public examinations) begin on the 30th November. Year 11 will sit PPEs in all subjects over a two week period. These will be marked with feedback and grades will be given when we return after Christmas. These outcomes will be shared with parents in the first report in January. Although Year 10 will be not sitting a full PPE series, they will be having assessesments during this period. Again, these outcomes will be shared with parents in January. 

    In addition to the PPEs, Year 11 will be completing their Sixth Form and College applications before the end of term. We would encourage all learners and parents to visit the school website for more information on what Harrow High Sixth Form has to offer and check the entry requirements.

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  • Votes for Schools - Results

    Published 26/11/20

    See the latest vote results for Guinness World Records Days. Next week's VoteTopic: Are we too influenced by the US?

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  • Computer Science - Code Club

    Published 20/11/20

    This half-term, Mr Feleppa has re-launched Code Club and is delighted to see so many returning and new faces coming to C7 once a week to practice coding.  Throwing some extra thinking time at this subject is a great way to be successful in it, and this extra hour of code per week will have an enormous impact when it comes to GCSE & A Level Computer Science.  For example, the Y12 A Level CS class who attended Code Club are now coding at a very high level.  Another example, the Y9 students who attend Code Club are all looking to achieve a grade 9 at GCSE CS, and are already coding at that level.

    Each year group now has their own designated day when they attend Code Club

    Monday—Year 7





    All are welcome, and we hope to see you there


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  • Sixth Form News

    Published 19/11/20

    It's a very busy time in the Sixth Form. Students are currently working hard revising for their PPEs which will be taking place next week. Each student has been given a timetable that states when their exam is.  Currently 18 UCAS applications have been sent off, with 12 conditional offers already been given. A special congratulations to Eboni who has received conditional offers for all 5 of her university choices. Well done. 

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