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Teaching Staff Vacancies

Would you want to work in a school where 100% of staff would recommend working here to a friend and where all our Early Career Teachers told OFSTED ‘they never feel overwhelmed by the job’?

We offer a supportive environment in which professional and pedagogical development is at the heart of what we do and in which teacher workload is managed very effectively through sensible loadings, centralised planning and whole-class feedback. At the same time, we expect the highest standards from everyone and, as a result, outcomes for young people are excellent and continue to improve (Progress 8 in 2024 was +0.62).

This is what our staff have to say:

Firstly, wonderful learners make an excellent teaching environment. Very friendly and supportive team of colleagues that create an excellent working environment and also the feeling that, if you are passionate and driven, you will see real results. You can have a positive impact.

(Joe, Head of Humanities)

Harrow High is a nurturing and caring school where teacher's well-being and care for each other is a priority. As a member of staff I feel valued and appreciated by both colleagues and learners

(Esther, Head of English)

Harrow High School is a vibrant, diverse 11-18 school in North West London which consistently achieves excellent rates of progress for all our learners from Key Stage 3 through to the Sixth Form. We are committed to providing a safe, caring environment for all in our community and demand the highest standards of behaviour from all our learners. This provides staff with the opportunity to teach excellent lessons with a focus on providing the highest levels of stretch and challenge for all learners.

Please see details about each post below.

Application forms can be downloaded and emailed to Mr Jon Talton Head of Operations at


There are no vacancies for teaching staff at present.